What You Need To Know About Ontario Building Code:
Ontario Building Code is a set of minimum provisions respecting the safety of buildings regarding public health, fire protection, and sufficiency.
Ontario Building Code is divided into 12 Parts. The decimal numbering system has been used to identify particular requirements for individual parts and sections.
The first number indicates the Part of the Code, the second, the Section in the Part, the third, the Subsection and the fourth, the Article in the Subsection.
An Article may be further broken down into Sentences (indicated by numbers in brackets), and the Sentence further divided into Clauses and Subclauses. These are illustrated as follows:
3 …………………………….Part
3.4.6………………………. Subsection………………………Article…………………..Sentence………………Clause
Contents of the Ontario Building Code:
Part 1: Scope and Definitions
Part I contains the definitions of all words throughout the Code that appear in italic type. This Part also contains a list of abbreviations used in the Code.
Part 2: General Requirements
Part 2 includes provisions of an administrative nature such as the use of referenced documents, climatic data, professional design requirements and allowances for occupying unfinished buildings. It also addresses qualification requirements of sewage system inspectors and licensing of sewage system installers.
Part 3: Use and Occupancy
This Part contains the requirements with respect to health and fire safety, which depend upon the use to which a building is put and its type of occupancy.
Part 4: Structural Design
This Part is made up of 4 Sections. The first deals with the loads to be used in design calculations and the methods of design to be followed. Section 4.2. regulates foundation design and construction. Section 4.3. deals with design in wood, masonry, concrete, steel, aluminum and glass.
Section 4.4. deals with the design of air-supported structures, parking structures and guards over retaining walls. Section 4.3. and parts of Section 4.4. contain only short performance requirements referring to the design methods outlined in detail in the relevant CSA standards.
Part 5: Wind, Water and Vapour Protection
This Part includes requirements for the design of building elements to control groundwater, condensation and the penetration of wind and rain.
Part 6: Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning
Part 6 is concerned with the safe functioning of heating, ventilating and air-conditioning equipment installed in a building. The requirements deal mainly with the installation.
Part 7: Plumbing
This Part governs the design, construction and installation of plumbing system within properties. It also addresses the required material to be certified or in compliance with a testing standard.
Part 8: Sewage Systems
This Part governs the design, construction, operation and maintenance of various class of sewage systems located within properties. It only addresses sewage systems up to 10,000 Litres capacity serving one lot.
Part 9: Housing and Small Buildings
This Part provides detailed requirements for the construction of houses and small buildings up to 6000 sq.ft. and three storeys in height, and applies to all occupancies except assembly, care or detention and high hazard industrial.
Part 10: Change of Use
This Part governs the requirements with respect to a change in major occupancy without any proposed construction to the buildings.
Part 11: Renovation
This Part provides for flexibility in meeting life safety requirements when renovating existing buildings, with or without changes in major occupancies of the buildings or parts of the buildings.
Part 12: Transition, Revocation and Commencement
This Part indicates the transition rules regarding the outgoing Building Code. It also contains the revocation of the outgoing Building Code and the commencement date of the new Building Code.
More info:
2012 Ontario Building Code Changes for New Construction
Ontario Building Code Changes for 2017
Supplementary Standard SB-12 Energy Efficiency For Housing
Deck Building Code Explained
Ontario Plumbing Code Explained
Ontario Septic Code Explained
Straw Bale Building and the National Building Code of Canada
Warning: We are not responsible for any damage or harm caused by any material on our website. For the official version of OBC, please consult Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.